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An Eating Disorder awareness website
Oct 3, 20233 min read
Understanding "Normal Eating"
Eating intuitively is a natural process for some people, but for people with an eating disorder, it isn’t. After restricting or...
Mar 24, 20233 min read
There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" food
Social media has made "clean" eating a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Suddenly, food became classified as either "good" or...
Mar 2, 20232 min read
Why you will never achieve a perfect body (written by ChatGPT)
This article is fully written by Chat GPT Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the internet about the capabilities of AI...
Jan 30, 20234 min read
Learning to love yourself
We all crave being loved and taken care of by others. It is part of our human nature. However, we cannot always control how others treat...
Dec 23, 20223 min read
Eating Disorder during Holiday Season
Christmas holiday is supposed to be a magical time filled with love, happiness, and laughter. Although for some people this time can also...
Dec 17, 20222 min read
Dealing with rejections
Being rejected is something all of us will have to face at certain points in life. Whether it is not getting a university/job offer or...
Nov 16, 20224 min read
Dealing with weight-gain
Most of the times gaining weight is a necessary process of recovery from an eating disorder. Undoubtedly one of the hardest to cope with....
Sep 25, 20225 min read
Exercise Addiction
Disclaimer!! Not everyone with an eating disorder has an addiction to exercise. When I first developed an eating disorder, I did not...
Jul 18, 20224 min read
Dealing with bad days + bad body image
Everyone has bad days. Sometimes it may seem like you are the only person who is struggling, it may be with adjusting to a new...
Jun 30, 20223 min read
"Just Eat"
Once I was having a conversation with my friends at school and the topic somehow drifted to my low weight. One of the girls told me:...
May 9, 20222 min read
Exam stress and eating disorders
Exam period causes many people in schools, colleges, and universities to experience high levels of stress. For some people, this could...
Apr 1, 20224 min read
Perfectionism in eating disorders
perfectionism n. the tendency to demand of others or of oneself an extremely high or even flawless level of performance, in excess of...
Mar 21, 20223 min read
I think my friend has an eating disorder
How do I know that my friend has an eating disorder? Here are some questions to ask yourself: 1. Does your friend constantly talk...
Jan 26, 20223 min read
Fear of losing your identity
You might find it surprising, but some people want to prove that they have an eating disorder because they think that it will make them...
Jan 21, 20222 min read
“But you don’t look sick”
Apparently, there is a wide misconception that a person has to look a certain way in order to be classified as anorexic or bulimic. This...
Jan 8, 20223 min read
Consequences of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious life-threatening illnesses which can affect all body organs. If the problem is not addressed on time than...
Oct 21, 20213 min read
Treatment of eating disorders
Eating disorder treatment depends on persons particular disorder and symptoms. Typically, it’s a combination of psychological therapy,...
Jun 8, 20212 min read
What is an Eating Disorder?
Eating Disorder is a serious mental health condition which involves an unhealthy relationship with food, distorted body image and...
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